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Security & Protections

These suggested security details are guidelines that will provide answers to the majority of situations. Each location must be considered on its own merits. Various versions and permutations could be considered depending upon the stock type, the cover required and the general overall layout, location and security strengths or weaknesses of the premises as a whole. The information is intended to provide you with food for thought in relation to your specific requirements enabling you to place your final proposal and security specification before your insurers for approval.

Physical Security

It is essential to secure all doors, windows and openings with tried and tested products. Strong physical protection buys time which thieves do not have. Physical security equipment comprises an extremely wide range of product types. It is important to place proper value on products tested and certified as conforming to market-recognised standards and to reject non-compliant products offers.

Intruder Alarms

A suitably installed alarm by a company with experience of higher risk locations will alert a 24 hour manned central station of a problem, be it a burglary, armed hold up or even perhaps fire or other catastrophe.


CCTV has had a profound impact on crime prevention and detection. A properly installed and managed CCTV system can dramatically reduce crime levels. Drops as high as 90% have been recorded where a highly visible CCTV system has been installed in certain locations. However, coverage is often rather stereotyped, and there is a tendency to ignore key issues.


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